Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seeing Things

The concept of vision is an interesting one. We hear people talk about strategic vision, and having a vision for how products or services should be developed and implemented. Optometrists check your vision. But what exactly is vision?

Very simply it's the ability to see things, either physically or figuratively. You would think then that we all have some type of vision. Unfortunately, that's not the case. All eyes are not created equal. Even among people with vision, there are varying degrees. Some have great vision, some have vision, but it's lack-luster.

What's really interesting is that we all have the capacity for vision hard wired into our DNA - we are capable of seeing, capable of thinking, capable of projecting those thoughts forward in time. So why do so few of us actually embrace this concept of having a vision, much less put that vision to use in life?

I see things every day that cause me to stop and ponder, think, and project. I've decided to share that vision with you, the reader. I certainly haven't cornered the market where vision is concerned, but I do see things, lots of things, and am compelled to help others see things as well. Reignite your vision, be stimulated, see things today, have a vision.