"Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands." - Joseph Addison
"He is truly great who hath a great charity." - Thomas a Kempis
"Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven." - Henry Ward Beecher
To be charitable is to give and give abundantly, even if it means exceptional personal sacrifice for the giver. The interesting thing about charity is that we all have been the recipients of someone's charity along the way, yet we can choose to be charitable or not. How can we refuse charity to those around us when we've been the recipients of charity that others have extended to us? It's hypocritical to refuse to extend charity. Everyone I know has experienced the charity of someone else who has given out of personal sacrifice so that the recipient might be better off. Charity truly is a virtue of the heart.
"Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your acts of charity have been remembered in God's sight." - Acts 10:31