I recently read an account of a teacher/preacher who was doing the work that he should have been doing, when a group of critics began to challenge him by asking for his credentials and wanting to know who had authorized the work. After a truly brilliant exchange whereby the teacher/preacher completely avoids their attempt at entrapment, he goes back to doing what he was supposed to be doing, undeterred by their criticism. It was almost as if he was telling them that their petty inquisition wasn't worth dealing with, and that he was going back to work instead.
I wonder how often you and I get sidetracked or derailed by the entrapment techniques of our critics. When we engage them in battle on their terms, we often forfeit the valuable work that we were doing, and trade what was valuable and meaningful for a completely useless, unproductive, and distracting digression.
The next time your critics come calling, remember what's important - remember what has priority, and just continue to do what you're supposed to be doing. The critics simply aren't worth it.
For reference, see the Gospel of Luke, chapter 20, verses 1-8.