Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Next Thing

I have these rare moments when I look around and say, "OK, what's next on the list." Funny thing - there always seems to be something that I can find to do. This philosophical exchange that takes place between me and myself is a very interesting one. If I'm cognizant enough, I realize that simply asking the question indicates that I'm having a moment of downtime. Yet, I find myself acting to eradicate the downtime, the result of a psychological panic induced by not actively doing something. If I'm aware of and recognize this phenomenon, then I'm capable of resisting the urge of the lizard brain to refill my recently emptied plate again. Most times though, we don't even realize what's happening.

So much of my day is often consumed by the endless act of filling my plate with stuff to do, then methodically working to clear it again. But once it's actually clear I don't find myself resting in the sense of accomplishment and enjoying a cold one while I prop my feet up. I find myself scurrying to refill the very plate I've just emptied. Why is that?

Our culture and society is losing the ability to rest and enjoy it. It's OK to have an empty list, an empty plate, a hole that has successfully been filled in. We must give ourselves permission to rest and enjoy it. It's a skill we've forgotten and need to relearn.