Sunday, May 30, 2010

Keep Your Freakin' Promises

If you promise me that you're going to do something, do it. If you promise me you're going to be somewhere, be there. If you promise me you're doing to deliver, deliver.

Don't blow smoke. Give it to me straight, and keep your word. Why?

Because if you don't, I'm going to tell people the truth. You didn't keep your word. You don't keep your promises. You're not dependable.

I get it. I know that stuff comes up, plans change, life happens, and I can give a lot of latitude for life circumstances, but if you promise a kid that you're going to be at their piano recital or promise a friend that you're going to be there when they come out of surgery, you had better damn well be there. If you decide to go get a facial instead, I'm going to rat you out. Deal with it. It's your screw up and you're responsible for cleaning it up, not me.

Keep your freakin' promises. It's a start to keeping your integrity.