Monday, April 19, 2010

From Your Feet to Your Face

We do and say crazy things when we're in love. We get caught up in the emotion of the moment and lose any capacity for rational decision making. Everything becomes emotion and instinct, and we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and exposed. The filter of logic comes off and we are left with pure emotion on display for the world to see, and we could care less.

When we love people, we don't care who else sees our actions or hears our words so long as they are seen and heard by the object of our affection. The actions and words of a person in love create a lot of "collateral damage" in the sense that onlookers can't help but notice and be impacted by what they see and hear. The behavior can become contagious as those same onlookers in turn act and speak similarly to their loved ones.

Last night after dinner, my three year old son walked into our living room to play with an enormous train track that I had spent the better part of an hour preparing for him earlier in the day. After about five minutes of play he bounced over to me, looked at me with a serious and determined expression, and said, "Daddy, I love you from your feet to your face." I think he meant that he loves me from head to toe, but who cares, feet to face is way cooler.

This is what it love looks like. We say crazy things like, "I love you from your feet to your face." We get caught up in the emotion of the moment, and we impact others around us by our actions. A little more of this crazy love could only be a good thing.